Summarization and Visualization of Large Volumes of Broadcast Video Data
Guide: Dr. Ramesh Kumar Sonkar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering, IIT Guwahati
The objective was to estimate blood parameters using Photo Plethysmo Graphy (PPG). PPG is a simple, low cost reliable optical technique that can be used to detect blood parameters by passing Electromagnetic Light rays through the skin. The information about blood parameters is obtained non-invasively in contrast to the painful and inconvenient invasive methods, with measurements generally made at the skin surface whereupon it is easy to record data. During the process, change in volume caused by blood pressure pulse is detected by illuminating the skin from a light emitting diode (LED) and measuring the amount of light either transmitted or reflected through a light detector. In the proposed analysis, we plan to collect PPG signal via fingertip.
An IR transmitting LED is used to illuminate the subject’s fingertip. The variation in collector current for photo-transistor depends on change in blood volume beneath the skin during signal acquisition. Signal recorded is filtered from high frequency noise and unwanted DC component. Output of the signal conditioning circuit is fed to a computer software as input to calculate the heart rate and the hemoglobin concentration.
The results of the project have been published in the IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES) 2015, Kozhikode, India, February 2015.